Roadmaps help you figure out the best way to get to where you want to go. My roadmaps are customized to your organization, taking into account where you are today and your specific fundraising goals.
You not only get the map but I will also guide you on your fundraising journey (and not in that annoying GPS voice that freaks out when you miss your exit and insists you make a U-turn). I’ll ensure you stay on course, create detours as needed and keep you focused on your destination.
Roadmap to Fundraising Success (your annual development plan) – $2,250
One-year plan including goals, objectives, tasks, deadlines, and persons accountable
- Created in collaboration with the person most responsible for fundraising for your organization (executive director, board chair, development committee chair)
- Single document to track and evaluate your fundraising efforts
- Includes your existing efforts and new strategies to increase your funds raised
- Five hours per month of coaching and technical support for three months to springboard implementation, provide guidance on roadmap strategies, and to assist in making any needed adaptations
Roadmap alone (no additional follow-up) – $900
Roadmap to ONLINE FUNDRAISING Success – $1,100
3-month program in which we work together to create and execute an online campaign
- Month 1 – build your donor and prospect lists; choose your campaign goal, platform & marketing strategies based on your list’s characteristics
- Month 2 – design your campaign; evaluate, adjust and add to your prospect list
- Month 3 – engage your supporters by executing your plan
- I’ll teach your organization how to create your lists, help you choose the right strategy and even write/design/script your campaign materials.
- Raise more money through the time-limited campaign while learning to better engage your donors to provide ongoing support the following year
- Great for Central MO’s ComoGives campaign!
Roadmap to Bequests and other Planned Gifts – $2,400
Note: Due to the nature of building a planned giving program, this Roadmap has a prerequisite of my Advanced Fundraising Diagnostic or a similar development audit conducted in the past two years.
Develop and qualify a prospect list
- Create messaging for newsletters and website
- Rehearse conversations with prospective planned giving donors
- Create a short leave-behind document (such as a brochure) for donor calls
- Evaluate and create stewardship strategies such as a legacy society or special gifts for your donors
- I’ll teach you how to execute every step of this prospect and provide draft messaging and designs to get you started.
- This Roadmap will also increase annual gifts to your organization – research shows that legacy donors have increased commitment to your organization in their lifetimes in addition to putting you in their estate plans.
Roadmap to Your Best Prospect List – $750
Learn how to generate a prospect list
- Review methods for qualifying prospects
- Bring together a qualifying committee to assist in reviewing your prospects
- This Roadmap will give you a list of at least 50 prospective donors to your organization in a prioritized order.
Roadmap to RECEIVING Major Gifts – $2,750
Starts with the Roadmap to Your Best Prospect List (included in the list price)
- Research your donors to learn more about their motivations for giving to your organization (this is also donor cultivation)
- Review and adapt your case to support to appeal to your best prospects
- Create a list of tangible projects, programs, and items for your major donors to support
- Create a cultivation plan for your top prospective donors
- Rehearse conversations with prospective major donors
- I’ll teach you the steps above and assist in the creation of materials.
- Includes four months of additional fortnightly coaching after plans and materials have been created to ensure you set meetings, deepen relationships with these donors and ask for more gifts
- Note: While not required, my Advanced Diagnostic would be very beneficial to maximizing the results of this Roadmap, so I offer a discount for combining the Diagnostic with this Roadmap.
Roadmap to a Successful Sponsorship Program – $1,500
Create a list of assets within your organization to offer to sponsors
- Value these assets based on the market you are reaching and your organization’s brand
- Create a list of current and prospective sponsors
- Research their preferences and motivations to better match them with your sponsorship opportunities
- Create a comprehensive annual sponsorship proposal to offer to your prospective sponsor to allow them to choose the opportunities that best fit their goals
- I’ll teach you how to create your lists and help you value your sponsorship assets, as well as create your sponsorship proposal.
- This Roadmap will also increase efficiency in your organization when you line up all your sponsors for the year at one time (and I’ll help you identify what the best time of year for this is).