Better results. Coaches make people better. In sports, a coach guides a player’s preparation prior to the game and overall strategy during it. That’s exactly what I can do for you. I’ll provide guidance and accountability to get you ready to raise more money and achieve better results, and together we’ll create an effective strategy to ensure your success. The results will be yours – you’re the star player that must ultimately perform. But with my coaching, you’ll achieve more.
Custom to your needs. The subject and content of our calls will be determined by the areas on which you choose to focus. Our first call will establish your baseline and set out the goals and parameters for our time together. Subsequent calls will start with a review and celebration of what has been accomplished since the last call, an analysis of any issues you encountered, and then we’ll set the next strategies and objectives. Possible topics include: stewardship, identifying prospects (I like to call them “future donors”), cultivating donors/future donors, role-playing the ask, identifying/qualifying/writing grants, setting up a direct mail program, planned giving, major gifts cultivation, developing your case, utilizing online resources, events and sponsorships, and much more.
High-trust relationship. The most important key to success in coaching (and fundraising, and everything in life) is trust. Everything you say to me is confidential. I won’t even share that you’re my client or that you’ve looked into coaching without your permission. And, I’ll be completely honest with you. If you’re headed in the wrong direction, I’ll tell you (gently!). If you’re not ready for the fundraising strategy you think your organization needs (for example, a large campaign), I’ll tell you, and help you figure out how to build the institutional readiness you need. If there is someone better suited than me to provide your coaching, I’ll tell you.